version française ICI
This is an informal and incomplete (I have to set
limits to my writings!) report of this congress made by an amateur
astronomer (hence not a specialist as
most of the participants) and this can give an impression of what a typical
(well maybe not so typical!) layman has collected from this session.
This workshop has been perfectly organized by Nicolas
Biver and I thank him for that; more than 50 attendees from all parts of our
planet were registered. This was headed by the SAF (Société Astronomique de
France) and was held in the great room of the so called "Castle (grande
The meeting started by a special salute to Nicolas : a
Minor Planet discovered by Milos Tichy and Jana Ticha has been given the name "Biver" as gratification for all his efforts in his field of work; here are
a few photos from this ceremony :
Milos handing out the document to Nicolas
Marsden (MPC boss) explaining the orbital data of "his" rock
The official name of this minor planet is (26969 Biver) : 1997 SE discovered on 20Sept 1997.
Patrick Guibert president of SAF during his opening
and welcome lecture:
Then Garry Kronk entertains us about
his passion about comets he got since he was a young boy and explain us his
master work about comets : "Cometography" he is publishing in 4
listing all the comets seen and registered by man since the beginning (of
intelligent man, not of comets!!), observations and characteristics since
ancient times (Vol 1) till present time , Vol 2 (the first 20 years of the 19th
century), vol 3 and 4 are in preparation.
It is a gigantic work that allows respect and
consideration from all of us.
Our young friend, Sebastian Hönig from Heidelberg
shared with us his passion as "comet hunter" and especially talked
about the "enemies" of amateurs
: LINEAR et NEAT etc.. these automatic observatories which detect
tireless and painless and soulless these dirty snowballs from space.
He pointed out an interesting fact : in which portion
of the sky we, amateurs should look and observe, where we are not in
competition with these automatic observatories.
Then Milos Tichy from the Czech
Republic was on stage, he developed a
software package allowing analyse of images and permitting the determination
whether it is a comet or not. (see his
website :
This is called the KLENOT project from "his" observatory
Milos is a painstaking observer and discoverer : he
confirmed 60 comets and discovered one.
Panel discussion
From left to right :
S Hönig; M Meyer
B Marsden; M Tichy
G Kronk
After walking through the superb park, we had lunch at
the Observatory's cafeteria
Our friends from SAF in great discussion!
To the left Milos Tichy and ,Jana Ticha, JP Martin (humble
author of this report) sitting close to B Marsden and trying to enjoy this
wonderful wine (!!!) to the right
After lunch break, Brian made his speech about the
need for and use of astrometrics observation of comets and about the
organisation of the MPC (Minor Planet Center : ) as
well as about the update of cometary's observations ( ) or NEO ( ) and
the observation and confirmation procedures ( )
Circulars are published weekly and the ICQ (International Comet Quarterly)
For newcomer or non specialists it is absolutely
mandatory to have a look at the initiation page especially if you think that
you have discovered a comet (who knows, you may be right!)
Dan Green stressed the fact that photometry should be
the domain in which professional astronomers are requiring most information.
Very few data are available about these photometric aspect of observed comets.
He urged amateur astronomers to go in that direction.
Charles Morris (from ICQ and Dream Weaver Observatory)
continues the show and explains the main parameters acting on photometric
measurements and the pros and cons of the actual generation of CCD. , greta hopes in the new CCD types such as KAF 1602E from Kodak
He also thinks that amateurs should invest more
observation time in comet photometry field where data are very scarce..
Evening reception at l'Observatoire de Paris (unfortunately, I could not join the party
because of the preparation of the Venus Transit of Tuesday) but I know that
everything went well.
(see their site : )
Saturday was also a busy day, and I am
also obliged to cut a part of my commentaries in order not to be too boring.
Jacques Crovisier, radio astronomer explained us the
difficulty to observe directly water out gassing from comets, we have to rely
on other indicators such as spectral values for radicals : H, H and O which are
detected by radio telescope (for instance the 18cm radiation of the OH)
Very interesting presentation (see his very complete
paper at : )
Water out gassing are evaluated for some comets and
for instance : 2002 T7 LINEAR at 2 1028 /sec
Jacques Crovisier indicated also to the audience an
empirical law establishing a correlation between the flux of OH out gassing and
the visual magnitude of comets
Then came the part in which I was
most interested in : the famous Deep
Impact project from NASA. Sending a probe to the Tempel 1 comet and try to
impact it next year. This is really a challenge
The Principal Investigator of this
project, Dr Mike A'Hearn was here to inform us about the latest developments.
This ambitious project should help us understand the exact internal layer
structure of this type of comets, in order to be able one day (very remote I
hope!) to change the course of a dangerous comet targeted to the Earth and if
Bruce Willis is not available on that day!
The probe has two parts : the impactor (delivers 5T
of TNT of energy with its 50% mass of copper) and the fly by part (30cm
telescope and spectrometer)
Please consult the University of Maryland site on that
fabulous project, you will not regret it!!
Launch is foreseen for December 2004 for an arrival on
July 4, 2005
Here are two slides from his presentation :
Various impact scenarios have been presented such as :
crater formation, split nucleus, through nucleus scenario!, burry into nucleus
The very impact moment should be imaged by the flyby
probe cameras and by terrestrial and space observatories, in order to learn as
much as possible from this event.
IMPORTANT : amateurs are requested to participate to
the experiment, please consult details on the web page
Lunch break was also used for photographing (bright
sun) our comet discoverers group
The afternoon was mainly dedicated to
the determination of the so called photometric coefficient Af[Rho] linking
albedo, dust activity and diaphragm diameter
Our Italian friends (Giannantonio Milani from the CARA
project was there and presented his results) have a very good site with
thorough explanations on this factor :
Philippe Morel from SAF explained us
the standard codification (ICQ) of cometary's
observation (necessary for a non specialist like me) he developed an Excel
spreadsheet to help us to get the right encoding. See also the MPC website on
the ICQ codification :
One of the last lecture summarizing
the photometric session was from our Antarctic Hero Jonathan Shanklin, born comet
hunter from the BAA.
Jonathan is a meteorologist ozone specialist; go and
see his very informative site on the ozone hole, it is very helpful to
understand our present world:
each topics is very deeply analysed and explained (I
know we are far from comets, but who knows….?)
Then came the congress conclusion by
the SAF members:
Nicolas Biver (in the background)
Georges Saccomani secretary of SAF
Thanking all participants for coming and inviting to
the next workshop in 5 years in Japan
Helène Reyss, in charge of SAF finance
Whose work for this workshop has ensured a smooth
organisation during these few days.
The end of the afternoon was dedicated to the Meudon
The Meudon Observatory has been built by the French
astronomer Jules JANSSENin 1876
We start the visit by the Grand
Sidérostat from Foucault used to follow the sun, it has been demonstrated to
the public for the first time during the international exhibition of 1900.
The 800mm mirror is actuated by a motor and is mounted
on a bath of quicksilver for a good vibration isolation
Then came the Great 18m Dome (la grande coupole) which
holds the greatest refractor from Europe, the third in the world, this
represents the achievement of what we can do with refractors.
It is composed actually of two refractors : one
(visual type) of 83cm diameter and 16m focal length and the other (photographic
mode) of 62cm and 15.90m of focal length.
This "grande lunette" (great refractor) has
been built in 1893.
It played an enormous historical role as this is with
this refractor that Antoniadi gave a stop to the dream of the Mars
"channels" in 1909, the little green men were peacefully "genocided"
on that day!!.
The great dome is in a very bad shape
due to the 1999 tempest.
More details in this article from "Ciel et Espace" on this
astronomic wonder (in French) let us
all save the grande lunette de Meudon!!!!
See also :
We finished the visit by the 1m refractor used mainly
for the moon, planets and comets.
Finally, dear Reader, I am done, these were my
impressions and thoughts about these two days in Meudon with the best guys in
the world for comets.
Bravo again for all the people who organised this
Jean Pierre MARTIN
NOTE : Photos in this report are of low resolution
type in order to be loaded quickly on the Internet, in case of or many of these
photos are of interest to you, do not hesitate to contact me, I will e-mail the
one you want directly and with a high resolution. These photos can be used
Clear Sky to all
PS : the transit of Venus was observed by us in
Plaisir (vicinity of Versailles) and had a great popular success (hundreds of
visitors, mostly young people, this is a good sign for the future). A complete
report on this event with photos will be put on line in a few days.
Present from Vega Astronomy Plaisir : one photo of
Venus transiting the sun on June 8, 2004 @ 09:54 UT